SegmentsMay 2008 Nine photographs created collaboratively This project, made collaboratively with the photographer-artist Romain Forquy, emerged from an urge to isolate the act of performing. Creating a performance for the sole gaze of the camera stretches the relationship between voyeur (the photographer) and exhibitionist (the performance artist) while the intimacy of their rapport is enhanced through the act itself and the gaze. Working with simple materials - clay, raw pigment, water, glass, light - a graphical and abstract visual work was created, with all the qualities associated with painting and more. |
Foto KvartalsSegments was published in Foto Kvartals 1(15) in February 2009, along with an essay by Marion Duquerroy entitled, 'Mapping the Performance: Romain Forquy and Philip Lee's Segments' Scans of the original article: Performances dokumentācija. Romēna Forkī un Filipa Lī "Segmenti" |